Have you noticed that some days you feel on top of the world, ready to take on and win your day, where others you feel overwhelmed, irritable and perhaps even take it out on your loved ones?

To live life as your happiest self, it takes practise to show up and nurture you. To honour your body, value your health and be wildly you.

Today I open up this conversation with a casual chat with the energetic and inspiring Steph Bartlett.

Steph is a qualified Health Coach, Personal Trainer and Yoga Teacher that is passionate about empowering women to be wildly themselves and live a life that they love. She believes that taking care of your health & wellbeing is one of the greatest acts of self love. She’s been in the health & wellness industry for over 15 years and loves to help people get back to basics, so they can create healthy lifestyles that stick.


PODCAST SHOWNOTES: https://www.glowingmumma.com/blog/episode97

JOIN OUR SPRING KICKSTARTER 30 DAY PROGRAM: https://www.stephbartlett.com/spring-kickstarter 

See Us On Instagram: @KaseyWillson.Naturopath & @Steph_Bartlett_