2020 redefined what we thought was normal, and moved many of us into the online space in ways we previously hadn’t participated. Today’s guest had long been positioning herself for an online only transition. Not because she saw a pandemic coming, but because her global clientele sought her services, and she found working virtually to be a better fit. 

Kristen Arnett is a former International MUA with 2 decades of experience working around the world on fashion shows, ad campaigns, with celebrities, and also a lot of women over 40. She took her skills as a green beauty educator and MUA and began creating online courses, offering virtual consults, and most recently launched an online membership called the Healthy Beauty Oasis geared towards helping women over 40 embrace their beauty and aging. 

This leap to becoming a full time online artist and educator didn’t happen overnight, but Kristen shares some key tips for those looking to follow in her footsteps. She also shares some of her favorite green beauty products  that are kit worthy and you won’t want to miss.

Show Notes:
Website: https://kristenarnett.com

Instagram: @kristenarnettbeauty

Facebook: @GreenBeautyTeam

Healthy Beauty Oasis

YouTube Channel: Kristen Arnett’s Green Beauty Team

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