“As for me, after seeing what I’ve seen, I’m always gonna bet on freedom to win out in the end.”

Episode 048 is the first in a series of episodes on Afghanistan. Former Green Beret and Ranger Battalion Sniper Aaron Hand joins Jason and Rich to talk about his late night FB post on his current feelings and outlook -- which Jason reads to start the podcast -- as well as his time in country, the current situation of withdrawal, historical parallels, the taste of freedom and reasons to have hope for the future. 

Aaron grew up in Boston, enlisted in the Army infantry in 1992, and was eventually stationed in the 3/75 at Fort Benning as a sniper. He deployed to Somalia in 1993 and was part of the vehicle convoy there that became known as Blackhawk Down. He then went through Special Forces Qualification and was at Fort Campbell in “The Legion” of 5th SF Group on 9/11. He, with ODA 543, was one of the first soldiers on the ground in Afghanistan as part of Task Force Dagger and the larger Operation Enduring Freedom in late 2001. 

Aaron provides historical context to the current situation in Afghanistan -- both from his time served there as well as the time before. Rich (also a member of The Legion) was in Afghanistan in the 1980’s, notably in “Charlie Wilson’s War” carrying stinger missiles to the mujahideen. Before that, Rich was also on a special forces team who evacuated people during the fall of Saigon in the mid 70s and talks through the comparisons to those events.

Throughout, there is measured, important conversation for both the average American citizen trying to understand what is going on, as well as veterans who might have strong feelings about current events -- particularly in the lead up to the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  


Episode 038 - Rich on “Charlie Wilson’s War” 

Rich Introduction and history in Vietnam - Episode 003

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