US Congressman Michael Waltz from Florida’s 6th District (Northeast coast covering just south of GORUCK HQ through Daytona and the Palm Coast) joins Jason and Rich for Episode 007. The Congressman is the first Green Beret to serve in Congress and is just the kind of person whose story and perspective we like to share on Glorious Professionals. 

Representative Waltz is a 20-year combat decorated veteran of the Army and current National Guardsman. In addition to serving at the tip of the spear in Afghanistan, Congressman Waltz served as a policy advisor in the Bush White House, so he brings the perspective of a servant leader at both the tactical and the strategic levels. He is a long time supporter of the Green Beret Foundation and the author of Warrior Diplomat, A Green Beret’s Battles from Washington to Afghanistan. In the book he outlines 5 key mistakes he thinks were made; the first three pillars of which (lack of resources, ill-defined strategy, and risk-aversion) become the outline for our conversation about the US response to COVID-19. 

True to his SF roots, the Congressman has deep, proven conviction in the importance of service, communication and boots-on-the-ground information gathering. He has a unique perspective on current events in this pandemic (tactical thinking). He also shares his ideas on strategic planning for future global threats covering internal testing, innovation, private-partnerships, trade with supply chain protections, and most importantly a recommitment to service on the part of everyday Americans to their country and communities.


Warrior Diplomat, A Green Beret’s Battles from Washington to Afghanistan About Congressman Michael Waltz The Green Beret Foundation The Berry Amendment The Strengthening America’s Supply Chain and National Security Act Learn more about GORUCK Glorious Professionals podcast website