Hello again Glocal Citizens! My guest this week is Stacey Enyame, Founder and Chief Snacker at Snacks of Africa. In this fun-filled conversation we learn more about Stacey’s journey as the daughter of Ghanaian immigrants in the Bronx, NY and back to Ghana to make her mark as an international foodie. A business management professional with 10+ years global experience in product management, sales, strategy development and now, entrepreneurship, Stacey is on a mission to share a taste of Africa with the world...one delicious snack at a time!
Where to find Stacey?
Order Snacks of Africa (https://bykaiem.com/collections/snacks/products/soa-toasted-coconut-chips-sweet-savory)
On Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/SnacksOfAfrica/)
On Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/snacksofafrica/?hl=en)
On LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/staceyenyame/)
What’s Stacey Reading?
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B08D6VLLDX&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_DHumFb08CQF2G&tag=glocalcitizen-20) by Benjamin Franklin
The Laws of Human Nature (https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B07BJLX414&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_qvumFbPETV8VG&tag=glocalcitizen-20) by Robert Greene
Other topics of interest—
• Revisit Episodes 16 (https://glocalcitizens.fireside.fm/16), 17 (https://glocalcitizens.fireside.fm/17) and 18 (https://glocalcitizens.fireside.fm/18) for a flashback of our conversation on nature and the environment
• More about the INROADS (https://inroads.org/) internship program Special Guest: Stacey Enyame.

Hello again Glocal Citizens! My guest this week is Stacey Enyame, Founder and Chief Snacker at Snacks of Africa. In this fun-filled conversation we learn more about Stacey’s journey as the daughter of Ghanaian immigrants in the Bronx, NY and back to Ghana to make her mark as an international foodie. A business management professional with 10+ years global experience in product management, sales, strategy development and now, entrepreneurship, Stacey is on a mission to share a taste of Africa with the world...one delicious snack at a time!

Where to find Stacey?

Order Snacks of Africa

On Facebook

On Instagram

On LinkedIn

What’s Stacey Reading?

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin

The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

Other topics of interest—

• Revisit Episodes 16, 17 and 18 for a flashback of our conversation on nature and the environment

• More about the INROADS internship program

Special Guest: Stacey Enyame.