Originally published 22 December 2021. 

AUKUS helps build regional deterrence, yet more is needed beyond defence cooperation.

Veerle is joined by Dr Zack Cooper, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, who offers insights on how AUKUS fits into US strategic thinking on meeting the rising challenges in the Indo-Pacific for the US and its allies. Further cooperation beyond exclusive groupings focused on defence is needed, particularly in the areas of technology, trade and governance, and Zack explains how Europe and Indo-Pacific partners stand to play an important role. Tune in also for a discussion on what is meant by integrated deterrence.

Originally published 22 December 2021. 

AUKUS helps build regional deterrence, yet more is needed beyond defence cooperation.

Veerle is joined by Dr Zack Cooper, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, who offers insights on how AUKUS fits into US strategic thinking on meeting the rising challenges in the Indo-Pacific for the US and its allies. Further cooperation beyond exclusive groupings focused on defence is needed, particularly in the areas of technology, trade and governance, and Zack explains how Europe and Indo-Pacific partners stand to play an important role. Tune in also for a discussion on what is meant by integrated deterrence.