Joe Lowry and Emily Hersh are reunited in Las Vegas, Nevada where they meet up with the “Clay Boys” of Lithium Americas to talk in detail about that Soft Rock.

Joe Lowry and Emily Hersh are reunited in Las Vegas, Nevada where they meet up with the “Clay Boys” of Lithium Americas to talk in detail about that Soft Rock. In a shocking turn of events, Joe demonstrates himself capable of changing his mind now that he is learned that clay is not just play dough. Rene Leblanc reminisces about how he met Joe at FMC, and later David Deak while working for Tesla. We learn about what makes a clay project a good project, including new geology and sulfur chemistry. Emily learns that she should not be using a sledgehammer to open walnuts, as effective as it may have seemed.For the record, Emily and Joe are not photographed with a giant bong as it may have seemed. That is a two liter graduated cylinder used to demonstrate how clay behaves when wet. While the Tesla gigafactory is also located in Nevada, that’s not important to the lithium world. On the swag front, Joe has a new Nano One outfit and Emily is styling in her Primero hat. Joe and Emily give the world some swag of their own with a zip up, bottle shaped Global Lithium Podcast beer koozie, as well as some $1 beers.

Just listened to the rough cut of the upcoming E13 of the Global Lithium podcast – “The Lithium Clays: Smooth Jazz and Soft Rock”. I think that those interested in #lithium are really going to enjoy this one. It will be online soon. $LAC #LithiumNevada #Ganfeng @LithiumPodcast

— Joe Lowry (@globallithium) June 30, 2018

Great time last night was had by most at “Beers with the Global Lithium Podcast”. Thanks to everyone that made the event a success.

— Joe Lowry (@globallithium) June 28, 2018

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