The term future often brings a distant feeling and usually doesn’t entice urgent actions. The concept of it brings mixed emotions to people; it can be scary for others, while some see it as a hopeful start.

In this episode, it’s that time of the week when I share the insights I gained from a Global Human Intelligence episode. This time, it’s about my conversation with Earl Ameen. One of the striking concepts that Earl mentioned in that episode is, “the future is not yet written.”

"It's time...
...To be the 1% .
...To shift the dial forward by 1 %.
...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.

Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too! "

The term future often brings a distant feeling and usually doesn’t entice urgent actions. The concept of it brings mixed emotions to people; it can be scary for others, while some see it as a  hopeful start.
In this episode, it’s that time of the week when I share the insights I gained from a Global Human Intelligence episode. This time, it’s about my conversation with Earl Ameen. One of the striking concepts that Earl mentioned in that episode is, “the future is not yet written.”
As I reflect on our discussion, I realized that he was absolutely right. Our world is going through a lot of things that we forget about the future, it became vital for us to focus and survive the present.
We need to think about what our next level will look like. Having this thought aligns our actions with vision. Sometimes, when we think about the challenges of the future, we start questioning ourselves, but having hope pushes us through.
The future may not yet be written but when humanity has hope, it compels us to assess our actions in the present and see how we can build a better future.
The importance of getting reviews/feedback from GHI listeners (03:58)Why Kiri-Maree is grateful for life challenges (06:57)The pros and cons of the old approach/systems (08:55)Why we don't always need to fit in the system (12:52)Embracing what makes us different (17:00)The dangers of Ego Leadership (18:23)Humility equates with presence (22:22)Being mindful of our self-expectations (24:21)Why the future is not yet written (29:00)The need to do things that fill our tanks (44:00)Working towards hope for the future (51:40)What are you role modeling to the world? (55:21)

“Every time you play out at a bigger level and step out of your comfort zone, there's a new muscle you have to build.” -Kiri-Maree Moore“The lens that you look through is the lens that sees you.” -Kiri-Maree Moore“When they see that you've got hope, it brings hope too.” -Kiri-Maree Moore
Resources: 017: Bringing Humanity and Distinction to the Decision Table with Earl Ameen
It's time...
...To be the 1% .
...To shift the dial forward by 1 %.
...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.

Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!

CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE MOOREConnect with me on LinkedIn
If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

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