Imagine the kind of impact you can give to the world if you start acting like who you are meant to be. A lot of times, we don’t know who we really are because we were raised to believe that our identity is something that we can only get from the older generations.

There is a failure to truly understand that identity is a choice. We are capable of getting rid of old identities and creating a better one that helps us serve a purpose.

In the second part of the podcast episode with Mike Agugliaro, we’ll have valuable information about why we need to get rid of old identities that are no longer serving our goals.

In order to do this, Mike suggests divorcing the story that we’re already living with, whatever it is. The world is capable of forming our identities especially when we are young and innocent, but as we grow older, we develop the power of choosing who we really want to become.

As we start evolving our identities, we also develop collective awakening and this leads to a movement dedicated to championing humanity. We are no longer focusing on how we can become better individually, but we crave to see a change for all of humanity.

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If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check it here

Imagine the kind of impact you can give to the world if you start acting like who you are meant to be. A lot of times, we don’t know who we really are because we were raised to believe that our identity is something that we can only get from the older generations.
There is a failure to truly understand that identity is a choice. We are capable of getting rid of old identities and creating a better one that helps us serve a purpose.
In the second part of the podcast episode with Mike Agugliaro, we’ll have valuable information about why we need to get rid of old identities that are no longer serving our goals. 
In order to do this, Mike suggests divorcing the story that we’re already living with, whatever it is. The world is capable of forming our identities especially when we are young and innocent, but as we grow older, we develop the power of choosing who we really want to become.
As we start evolving our identities, we also develop collective awakening and this leads to a movement dedicated to championing humanity. We are no longer focusing on how we can become better individually, but we crave to see a change for all of humanity.
WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE:The continuation of the 9 Pillars (01:15)Difference between training and coaching (04:53)How to use the 9 pillars formula (07:17)The value of having identity (10:30) The consequences of the comparison effect (13:05)The most important lesson Mike learned from mastery (14:37)Why is suffering considered a choice? (16:30)The significance of collective awakening (20:45)The shift to creating better movements for the world (21:30)How do we join together to battle the external noises? (26:38)Mike's epiphany to change (30:45)
“Mastery is not a finish line, it's about being better tomorrow than you are today.” -Mike Agugliaro “A movement is the minute that you believe something so deep in your heart, it's no longer forced, it's who you are.” -Mike Agugliaro“I will, I can, I must move forward.” -Mike Agugliaro
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

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CONNECT WITH MIKE AGUGLIARO Connect with Mike on FacebookConnect with Mike on Twitter

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