Welcome to Global E-Commerce Tech Talks, I’m your host Michael LeBlanc, and this podcast is brought to you in conjunction with the Global E-Commerce Leaders Forum.

In this our very first episode, part one of a two part interview with my partners Kent Allen from San Francisco and Jim Okamura from Chicago we discuss both the quantitative and qualitative research on going cross border into the “headwaters of retail commerce innovation, China.  With this proprietary research,  including exclusive round-table discussions that happened both in New York and at the recent Leaders Forum in L.A., we look at established and emerging platforms, the impact of trade tussles and COVID-19 crisis, plus supply chain and key brand strategies to consider as you craft you plan for long-term commercial success.   

So lets jump right in now to my conversation with Kent and Jim:


That’s a wrap on our first edition of Global E-Commerce Tech Talks.  If you liked this podcast you can subscribe on Apple iTunes or your favourite podcast platform, please rate and review, and be sure and recommend to a friend or colleague in the retail and cross-borders commerce industry.

I’m Michael LeBlanc, Founder and President of M.E. LeBlanc and Company Inc. and you can learn more about me on www.meleblanc.co, and you can learn more about the Global E-Commerce Leaders Form online at https://www.globalecommerceleadersforum.com/

Until next time, have a safe week!