The Girls recall the back-to-school shopping, new school supplies, the pressure of a new school, the outfits, the misfits. Amy's annual shopping trip for new school clothes that may or may not have matched. The role of Sears in Robbie-Ann's wardrobe choices. The influence of the teen models in Seventeen and Glamour. The cheapo stores. Body images and trying to create a brand new perfect self with new makeup and the wrong clothes. Amy tells her younger self to blend her makeup. Amy's Bad Sandy school debut, which led to some wanted - and unwanted - attention. What would Amy and Robbie-Ann say to their young selves? The painful fashion mistakes, like Nikes with jeans. Sidebar: winter coats. Amy poses the question, "Did your parents' guidance, or lack of, affect your social standing in school?" Amy's lunch room cool. Robbie-Ann's tirade about the inefficient locker set up.  Hazardous three ring binders. Thousand-pound textbooks.