This week it was great to reconnect with one of the best and most thorough researchers and authors in the alternative media Neil Sanders.

This week Neil explains in depth how Trump was hired by The Heritage Foundation to fill a character that was originally written for Ted Cruze. Trump became President in large part because of Cambridge Analytica's use of Facebook, so Neil explains why social media BIG Tech have now turned on Trump as well as who really backed and funded the BIG Trump machine.

Neil also gives his views on Q and the incident at the Capitol and the power of making people feel justified through victimhood.

Myself and Neil disagree on a few things but Neil is without a doubt one of the researchers I have a deep respect for, as a researcher and a person who is not afraid to go against the grain. He really is one of the few who take the time to truly research the background of the likes of Trump and the truth about BREXIT and who funds them. He also challenges me to question what I think is true and my own confirmation bias.

Check out Neil's work here:

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