Personal family videos are all over the internet these days. We put such an emphasis on photos in the scrapbook industry, but videos are just as much a part of our stories as pictures are.

We’ve now released this week’s episode to the Paperclipping Members and in it I share some different ways Izzy and I started to incorporate the fun videos we take of our family and friends into our scrapbooking.

If you’re not a member, you can click on the video above or download the Quicktime version. You can also watch the free videos available in the left column. Then, if you want more tutorials, just click your way over here.

Personal family videos are all over the internet these days. We put such an emphasis on photos in the scrapbook industry, but videos are just as much a part of our stories as pictures are.

We’ve now released this week’s episode to the Paperclipping Members and in it I share some different ways Izzy and I started to incorporate the fun videos we take of our family and friends into our scrapbooking.

If you’re not a member, you can click on the video above or download the Quicktime version. You can also watch the free videos available in the left column. Then, if you want more tutorials, just click your way over here.