Need an easy way to scrapbook all those multiple-photo layout-opportunities that summer time is providing you? Today’s idea is fun, easy, and will still allow you a lot of flexibility in terms of photo numbers, placement, and the tone of your story. And, it’s a free episode! You don’t have to be a Paperclipping Member to watch.

So what do you think? After watching today’s video, what stories are already coming to your mind?

Need an easy way to scrapbook all those multiple-photo layout-opportunities that summer time is providing you? Today’s idea is fun, easy, and will still allow you a lot of flexibility in terms of photo numbers, placement, and the tone of your story. And, it’s a free episode! You don’t have to be a Paperclipping Member to watch.

So what do you think? After watching today’s video, what stories are already coming to your mind?