While there is nothing wrong with a vacation album or minibook that simply highlights the trip’s activities, there are some trips that add up to more than just that list. Some vacations impact you at a deeper level than the exciting agenda can show.

For today’s free episode, I’ll share a vacation minibook I made for a trip like that. I’ll share how I found connections among my memories of the trip that led to a theme which I carried through the entire book. Many of us will have family vacations to document this summer, and I hope this episode gives you a new way to think about how you can approach your album or mini.

You can download the video here.

Below are a couple photos of the book I featured in the video. You can see the rest of the book in a set on my flickr page by clicking here.

The Two Of Us (In Sedona)

The Two Of Us Minibook

Two of us last page

Supplies for these pages: Spiral minibook (7 Gypsies) * Patterned paper and title (My Mind’s Eye, background paper of second pic unknown) * Scroll sticker (Creative Imaginations) * Letter stickers (Creating Memories).

Do you like this free video? You can get access to all of the Paperclipping tutorials if you are Member. Please click here to find out more.

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Show notes for this episode are here.

While there is nothing wrong with a vacation album or minibook that simply highlights the trip’s activities, there are some trips that add up to more than just that list. Some vacations impact you at a deeper level than the exciting agenda can show.

For today’s free episode, I’ll share a vacation minibook I made for a trip like that. I’ll share how I found connections among my memories of the trip that led to a theme which I carried through the entire book. Many of us will have family vacations to document this summer, and I hope this episode gives you a new way to think about how you can approach your album or mini.

You can download the video here.

Below are a couple photos of the book I featured in the video. You can see the rest of the book in a set on my flickr page by clicking here.

The Two Of Us (In Sedona)
The Two Of Us Minibook

Two of us last page
Supplies for these pages: Spiral minibook (7 Gypsies) * Patterned paper and title (My Mind’s Eye, background paper of second pic unknown) * Scroll sticker (Creative Imaginations) * Letter stickers (Creating Memories).

Do you like this free video? You can get access to all of the Paperclipping tutorials if you are Member. Please click here to find out more.

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Show notes for this episode are here.