Welcome to GLCast with GLProUK Head of Digital Marketing, Greg Armstrong. This episode is a very special one indeed. In November 2018 we celebrated three years of GLProUK being a company. So I sat down with GLProUK founders Jay Ludgrove and Tony Gordon to ask how and where it all started.

Join us as we talk about the company's humble podcast editing beginnings out of a shed at the back of Tony’s parents garden, and the journey that followed to become a full on digital marketing company with an office full of an ever expanding team. We look at the services GLProUK offer such podcast/audio production, design, social media management, video and photography and how they grew the business. 

I ask Jay and Tony about the fear and stresses of starting a micro-business, the financial strain and how they dealt with it and much more.

This episode gives a great insight into starting a company from scratch and the highs and lows of starting a micro business today. 

For help with your content creation and digital marketing needs get in touch with us to see how we can help you.

Follow GLProUK on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Vimeo @GLProUK