Welcome to GLCast Audio Blog. This blog continues our 'How To Start a Podcast' series, with 'Hosting site, RSS feed and Social Media'. The blog has been published to read on GLProUKs LinkedIn page, here you can listen to the audio version of this blog and next week we'll be releasing our next podcast episode where GLProUK Head of Digital Marketing, Greg Armstrong and Managing Director, Jay Ludgrove will discuss this blog in depth.

This blog helps those looking to start a Podcast where to begin and each blog in this series will break it down step by step. Written by Greg Armstrong of GLProUK who has been a podcaster and worked in Podcasting for a number of years, he'll talk through finding the right hosting site for your podcast, what is an RSS feed and setting your social media ready before your first episode comes out. 

For help with your content creation and digital marketing needs get in touch with us to see how we can help you.

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