Previous Episode: Do You Have Faith to Receive?
Next Episode: The Perfect Promise!

This next teaching is to bring you hope knowing what the Father wants and has for you.   Oppression and depression are something you can remove from your life and receive His promises of peace and righteousness.  Then when we are walking in that righteousness there is perhaps a job the Father has for you.  One that might be hard but one that pleases the Father.  Take a listen and be encouraged and receive the hope the Father wants to release to you.

Study Guide - You Can Be Established In Righteousness

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The following teaching offering information on Health, Wellness and peaceful living is created for educational purposes only.

 This information is not implying that it is a substitute for, nor replace professional medical advice or prior diagnosis and treatments.

 If you have any concerns or questions about your health, seek a TRUSTED healthcare professional.  Do not delay in getting medical advice because of something you have learned from this teaching.

 What is being presented, is to help you begin doing your research along with a TRUSTED healthcare professional.   Using any information in this teaching is solely at your own risk.