The pain one goes through as they are being healed from trauma can be enough.  Then to add not having the support of family and friends can compound the pain.  Sometimes it just adds fuel to the fire that is already burning out of control.  But don’t let that keep you from moving forward.  There is victory at the end of this journey whether loved ones support you along the way or not.  Take a listen to the three friends you have that won’t ever leave, will always believe you and help you in your healing journey.

Schedule time to chat:

Link to learn more about my 12 Week Coaching Program called Transform Your Trauma into Peace. 

Click this link to receive Your First Step to Having Your Fresh Start! and sign up for my Weekly Newsletter as one of Regina’s Revivors!

Book & Kindle to Purchase Purchase "Can I Have Your Heart ... Daddy?"

Ways to connect with me:

Website for more information

Email  [email protected]

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The following teaching offering information on Health, Wellness and peaceful living is created for educational purposes only.

This information is not implying that it is a substitute for, nor replace professional medical advice or prior diagnosis and treatments.

If you have any concerns or questions about your health, seek a TRUSTED healthcare professional.  Do not delay in getting medical advice because of something you have learned from this teaching.

What is being presented, is to help you begin doing your research along with a TRUSTED healthcare professional.   Using any information in this teaching is solely at your own risk.