Next Episode: Democracy & Power

Welcome to episode 3 of the Giving Thought Podcast, brought to you by the Charities Aid Foundation's in house think-tank Giving Thought.


In this episode, we tackle the thorny subject of inequality and ask; is trying to address inequality with philanthropy possible, advisable or even legitimate and if so, how should it be done?.

As always, we have broken the issue into three segments:


Can philanthropy challenge inequality? How can philanthropy overcome the paradox of addressing inequality with the proceeds of an unequal system.


Focus on Egypt: Can philanthropy act as a pressure gauge for social dissent? History has shown us that a lack of representation of social dissent can fuel unrest.


Automation, the future of work and universal basic income: As machines and algorithms increasingly replace human workers, a very small number of people will own the means and proceeds of production. What will this mean for inequality and philanthropy?


Below are links to blog posts and publications on issues discussed in the podcast:


Inequality and Philanthropy: part of the solution or part of the problem?


Giving in a World Without Work? Automation, Universal Basic Income and the future of philanthropy


By trying to control civil society, the Egyptian government could fuel more social unrest


Is addressing inequality through philanthropy a paradox?


 Philanthropic Power: The Awkward Consequence of Pluralism