In this episode - the fourth in our mini-series on “European philanthropy during and after COVID” – we speak to Carola Carazzone, Secretary General of Assifero, about philanthropy in Italy and beyond. Including

What is the history and current context for philanthropy in Italy? How does this differ from the cultures, histories and legal/policy environments for philanthropy in other places across Europe? Are there commonalties? I.e. is it meaningful to talk about “European philanthropy”? What is the balance between local, regional, national and international approaches in Italian philanthropic funding? What is the attitude of the Italian government towards philanthropy? What kind of philanthropic responses to the covid-19 crisis have we seen in Italy? What challenges have they faced? What is the role of infrastructure bodies in helping civil society organisations and funders navigate and adapt to a rapidly-changing environment? Has the Covid-19 pandemic and the need to coordinate responses effectively increased awareness of the value of infrastructure? What elements of infrastructure are required for a healthy culture of philanthropy and a vibrant civil society? Do we need to make a renewed case for the value of infrastructure and the need to ensure it is properly funded?


Related Links:

Assifero The data mapping of the philanthropic response to COVID-19 I Italy (“Le risposte della Filantropia al COVID-19” Carola’s 2020 Alliance article “Flexibility and freedom of foundation funding can boost third sector during Coronavirus crisis” Carola’s 2018 Alliance article “Debunking two myths to avoid agony in Italian civil society” Carola’s 2020 piece for WINGS “Questions are the answer”. This is our time to shape the world we want- everyone can be a change maker.’ Our recent CAF paper on European policy responses to COVID-19