This episode kicks off a mini-series on European philanthropy during and after COVID-19 pandemic, exploring how philanthropic funders have responded to the crisis and how it might affect philanthropy longer term. Our first conversation is with Max von Abendroth, Director of DAFNE, and Rosa Gallego, Director of International Relations at the Spanish Association of Foundations. In a wide-ranging chat we covered many fascinating topics including:


The rich and varied history of philanthropy across Europe and how this has shaped the cultures of philanthropy and the legal and regulatory environments we see today. Are there more similarities or differences between philanthropy in different parts of Europe? To what extent does it make sense to talk about “European philanthropy”? How much philanthropy takes place at a local, national or international level in Europe? What has the philanthropic response across Europe to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic been like? What particular role have community foundations played? What are funders doing to address the stark inequalities that have been laid bare by the pandemic? Are funders and CSOs collaborating more as a result of the crisis? How can we build on this longer term? Will the short-term shift towards funding core costs result in longer-term changes? How can philanthropic funders make better use of data? Are new laws and restrictions imposed by governments to address the public health challenges of the pandemic resulting in a furthering shrinking of civic space in some countries? How concerned should we be? Has the crisis highlighted the importance of philanthropic infrastructure? What are the elements of a healthy ecosystem of philanthropy infrastructure? Should philanthropy support organisations merely reflect the views and interests of their members, or can they play a leadership role and provide constructive challenge? How do we ensure that infrastructure is sustainable over the longer term?


Related Links:


DAFNE Spanish Association of Foundations PEX ACF Stronger Foundations project WINGS paper on Perspectives on Arab and Global Philanthropy: Roles and Approaches WINGS paper on “What Makes a Strong Ecosystem of Support for Philanthropy?” McKinsey Report on “Reimagining European PhilanthropyCandid Giving Thought blog on Philanthropy and Civil Society after Covid-19: Key questions for the future Our CAF Giving Thought podcast Philanthropy, civil society and covid-19: what now, what next? Our Giving Thought podcast series on “COVID-19: Voices from Civil Society