Teachers Strikes! Mass Labor Action! We have on three union teacher organizers from Portland-/Vancouver-area public schools to help provide local context for the modern national wave of teacher actions, starting in Wisconsin in 2011 and continuing past when this episode will be posted. Candy, Jody, and Marj join us to talk about their own histories with how they got involved, the differing issues between Oregon and Washington education funding, how to expand union consciousness into political consciousness, and more!
Here's the WEA settlement map showing all the raises teachers won recently in Washington State: https://www.washingtonea.org/ourvoice/pay-benefits/2018-local-settlements/
If you'd like to know more or get involved, contact the Labor Working Group with Portland DSA at [email protected]
Upcoming Events
-"How to Organize a Union" - February 27th - https://www.facebook.com/events/393831731375140/
-"Socialist Job Fair" - Mar 27th -
-"Portland Troublemakers School" by Labor Notes - Apr 4th - https://www.facebook.com/events/388556451694610/
-Labor Notes - https://labornotes.org/
-NW Labor Press - https://nwlaborpress.org/
-Belabored - https://www.dissentmagazine.org/tag/belabored
-Street Fight Radio - http://www.streetfightradio.com/
-Working Class History - https://workingclasshistory.com/
-Working History - https://soundcloud.com/southernlaborstudies
-Maximilian Alvarez's Working People podcast - http://workingpeople.libsyn.com/
-Reveal, from the Center for Investigative Reporting - https://www.revealnews.org/episodes/
-Hands Off Venezuela PDX - https://www.facebook.com/Hands-Off-Venezuela-PDX-343200689611683/
End Music: "Power in a Union" - John Darnielle / The Mountain Goats - https://vimeo.com/20862183
-Candy at [email protected]
-Jody at [email protected]
-Marj at [email protected]
Follow Jacob on Twitch! http://www.twitch.tv/jacobmercy
Questions/comments/suggestions for great local Korean food: [email protected]
Help us make the show! http://www.patreon.com/givingthemic
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Main theme by The Mysterious Breakfast'r Cereal on SoundCloud @chiptheme
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