Previous Episode: 40 - Cone Of Meat

Welcome to 'Giving Me Life', a fortnightly podcast where 3 Queer, Irish Showgirls discuss pop-culture, old and new, over copious amounts of wine.

On this episode we're joined by Lykan Animal for a chat about 'Aden Films' - a youtube channel dedicated to high end meat cookery and street food in Japan, food docu-series 'Rotten', and 'Mucho Mucho Amor : The Legend Of Walter Mercado'.


00:00 - 11:58 Intro

11:58: - 28:40 'Aden Films'


28:40 - 56:05 'Rotten'

S2 trailer

56:05 - 1:16:05 'Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend Of Walter Mercado'


1:16:05 - 1:20:03 Outro and Contact Details