What's giving us life? Death! Also, Strictly Come Dancing; Luther; the classic Miles Davis album 'Kind Of Blue; vintage makeup; Dumplin' and much more...


00:00 - 05:25 Intro and more about 'She-Ra' and 'Sacrifice'

05:25 - 11:20 'Luther'

Season 5 trailer

11:20 - 18:55 Dumplin'


18:55 - 23:45 Vintage Makeup (Lisa Eldridge)

Marilyn Monroe Iconic Look Tutorial

Makeup History part 1

Makeup History part 2

23:45 - 34:10 'Kind Of Blue' by Miles Davis

'All Blues' original version

Interview with 'Mostly Other People Do The Killing'

Review of the remake and their version of 'All Blues'

34:10 - 51:30 Ask A Mortician

Closing Mouths

Iconic Corpse - Jeremy Bentham

Lower me into the flaming pit!

51:30 - 58:10 Strictly It Takes Two

Nell de Jaunse

58:10 - 59:35 Outro and contact details