Both Ends Believing

Mark Schwartz

Today on the GIVE podcast we are thrilled to welcome Mark Schwartz, the president of Both Ends Believing.  Both Ends Believing is a nonprofit that uses technology to create a digital identity for children around the globe- so they have a better chance at adoption, instead of aging out of the foster care system. 

Millions of children are hidden behind the walls of institutions and orphanages. The primary reason is simply that countries lack the digital infrastructure that creates visibility into who and where they are. Without a digital identity, institutionalized children face a bleak future. The best place for a child is always with a loving family unit and Both Ends Believing uses technology to help them find those family units.

Both Ends Believing works to capture comprehensive digital profiles of children through Children First Sofware, a technology-driven advocate designed to identify a child’s best opportunity for family-based care. Partnering with countries around the world, we transform the process to move children to their best future, a chance to grow and flourish in a loving family.

How can you get involved with Both Ends Believing:

Donate Spread the word through social media Raise awareness

Be inspired. GIVE.

Find Both Ends Believing here:

Website | Facebook | Instagram

Read the full transcript of this episode here.