Urban Blooms

Tyler Wolf

For today’s episode of the GIVE podcast, we are thrilled to welcome Tyler Wolf to the show.  Tyler is the founder, executive director, and Living Wall designer for Urban Blooms.  This nonprofit mixes engineering, science, art, and plants to create green spaces in urban environments that otherwise might not see these types of plants.

The living walls are carefully designed with each community in mind.  They use hydroponics and engineering to make sure that they can be enjoyed for years to come. Urban Blooms has done these wall installations all over the country and has, in the process, brought nature and fostered a one-on-one connection and inspiration that can be drawn from viewing these.

Urban Blooms is able to install these living walls through grants, donations, and working directly with the cities themselves.  They try to build them next to schools and in underserved neighborhoods to inspire the next generation into thinking about all that can be accomplished with art, engineering, and botany. 

How to get involved with Urban Blooms:

Volunteer Donate Spread the word on social media


Be inspired. GIVE.

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