Merton Capital Partners

Sean Davis

Today, on the GIVE Podcast we are excited to welcome the founder and CEO of Merton Capital Partners, Sean Davis. Merton Capital Partners exists to bridge the gap between nonprofits and philanthropists. His skilled team is helping pioneer Big Bet philanthropy to solve large scale societal challenges. 

Big Bet philanthropy is changing the way philanthropy works within the nonprofit sector. The Giving Pledge, which was created by Warren Buffet and Bill and Melinda Gates, is a lifelong commitment of the wealthiest families and individuals, to dedicate the majority of their wealth to giving. The success of this moral commitment has created over $600 billion dollars in accessible funds to foundations and nonprofits. Merton Capital Partners works on behalf of philanthropists and nonprofits to create detailed long-term growth plans,  support management teams and develop thought leadership in order to scale loved nonprofits to new heights. 

Merton Capital Partners understands the barriers nonprofits face to scale, and creates solutions to overcome those problems. Through detailed planning, rigorous investing and support, Merton Capital Partners creates the strong foundation needed for Big Bet philanthropy. Whether you are a struggling philanthropist looking for meaningful ways to give, or a nonprofit struggling to scale - Merton Capital Partners can help. Check out their website below for more information! 

How can you help?

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Where to find Merton Capital 

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Full episode transcription can be found here.

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