Foster the Earth 

Erin McBride 

Today we bring you Foster The Earth’s founder, Erin McBride. Foster The Earth is dedicated to helping vulnerable children and young adults in the foster care system through exposure to the great outdoors. Their participants experience the challenges and healing power of extended time in the wild and come away with a deeper respect for themselves, their capacity, and their place in the natural world. 

Foster The Earth removes their participants from their everyday stressors by exposing them to nature and giving them resilience and self-confidence to help with their everyday lives at home. Each month participants go on one hike over the duration of a seven month program which teaches them new backpacking skills while also increasing in altitude and mileage. At the end of the program, the participants embark on a life-changing seven day backpacking trip to the tallest peak in the lower 48 states, Mount Whitney. Erin, has spent 1,645 hours with at-risk youth transforming their relationship with nature and themselves. 

In order to help Foster The Earth continue enlightening and healing our youth through outdoor therapy, donate on their website, become a sponsor and even start your own chapter! Foster The Earth is an uplifting reminder to motivate others to spend more time in nature and disconnect with the technological world so you can reconnect with yourself. 

How can you help?

Donate Start a chapter Volunteer Engage 

Please don’t forget to share this episode!  Sharing this episode will help Foster The Earth to achieve its mission and increase its impact and help us at the GIVE Podcast keep spreading the word about important charities and nonprofits.

Be inspired.  GIVE. 

Where to find Foster The Earth 

Website | Facebook | Instagram 

Full episode transcription can be found here.

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