Addison and Matt give some thought on how to be the best kind of creepy uncle and good bad influence on a child, the green light and budget behind Sharknado, the Zimmerman verdict and it’s (non)implications on society. Matt also attempts to earn as much as Addison does from the network, and gets in a fight with legal. Matt clarifies how crazy women can truly be, and schools Addison on the familial habits of lions, the “bowler hat” (pictured below) in addition to a moment of silence spoken word for Cory Monteith. Matt tells us about a dark secret from his past, and the lengths he’s gone to in order to protect it.

George Zimmerman found not guilty of murder in Trayvon Martin’s death

Why did Marissa Alexander get a 20-year sentence despite invoking ‘Stand Your Ground’?

Bowler Hat

‘Glee’ star Cory Monteith, 31, dies in Vancouver

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Addison and Matt give some thought on how to be the best kind of creepy uncle and good bad influence on a child, the green light and budget behind Sharknado, the Zimmerman verdict and it’s (non)implications on society. Matt also attempts to earn as much as Addison does from the network, and gets in a fight with legal. Matt clarifies how crazy women can truly be, and schools Addison on the familial habits of lions, the “bowler hat” (pictured below) in addition to a moment of silence spoken word for Cory Monteith. Matt tells us about a dark secret from his past, and the lengths he’s gone to in order to protect it.

George Zimmerman found not guilty of murder in Trayvon Martin’s death

Why did Marissa Alexander get a 20-year sentence despite invoking ‘Stand Your Ground’?

Bowler Hat

‘Glee’ star Cory Monteith, 31, dies in Vancouver

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