We’ve come to the payoff. From starting in the 60’s and making our way through the 90’s, we’ve made a huge journey as we discovered the recording techniques throughout the decades.
We are still blown away by the huge advancements in technology that shaped and changed the face of music in such a short time.
We’ve had a fun time chronicling all of this and learning along the way. We hope you guys have enjoyed the journey!

We’ve come to the payoff. From starting in the 60’s and making our way through the 90’s, we’ve made a huge journey as we discovered the recording techniques throughout the decades.

We are still blown away by the huge advancements in technology that shaped and changed the face of music in such a short time.

We’ve had a fun time chronicling all of this and learning along the way. We hope you guys have enjoyed the journey!

Support Gitfiddles and Paradiddles