Nicole is a licensed marriage and family therapist, writer, and speaker based in the state of Connecticut where she lives with her husband and son. As an old soul who wears her heart proudly on her sleeve, Nicole loves using her words to help others find an enduring peace and joy outside of circumstance.

Today on the show Nicole and I start our conversation talking about identity. She shares how her cross-country move forced her to leave behind her connections, her reputation and everything she had built by her performance. She tells us that when everything you’ve built for yourself in this life is stripped away, God shows you where your real identity lies.

Nicole talks about her struggle with infertility, including five miscarriages, and the pain and loss she’s experienced because of it, but how God’s truth in her life never changes. She talks about finding joy in Christ’s presence, finding hope in the struggle. Nicole has a refreshing take on being the recipient of precious lessons through pain.

Nicole and I walk through the definitions of emotional and relational health, and she tells us how they’re so closely tied together. We talk about individual counseling and group marriage counseling (yes, group!). She also gives some guidance on how to examine and take steps to improve our own emotional health. We chat about working to put people before projects and welcoming the interruptions in our days. Nicole shares her thoughts on working a room and making others feel valued rather than focusing on yourself.

Explore more of Nicole’s story and how she finds peace and joy outside of circumstance when her first book hits shelves in early 2020!