Megan is a writer, podcaster and social media marketer based in Columbus, Ohio. A mom to three little ones, she is a chronic purger, keeper of a capsule wardrobe, and seeker of ways to simplify life.

On the show today Megan and I discuss social media: the love hate relationship a lot of us have with it and how she navigates between her personal accounts and the accounts she manages for clients.  We talk about how Megan got into podcasting and why she chose the topic of minimalism.  She shares how freeing it felt the first time she paired down her closet to a small number of things that made her feel her best. 

Next we chat about where to start if you’re ready to declutter (and where not to start) and how not to get overwhelmed.  Megan give us ideas about how to encourage our families to think about their things in a minimalist mindset too.  She also walks us through creating a capsule wardrobe and we talk about shifting your closet from winter to spring. 

Later on, we talk about other ways to simplify your life, focusing on things like your schedule.  Megan tells us about her “season of quitting” where she and her husband went through all of their regularly scheduled activities and cut out lots of things that weren’t right for them in their season of life.  Megan says that minimalism is a journey, it’s not somewhere you arrive or something that will ever be complete.      


Mentioned in this episode


hope*writers conference

minimalist moms podcast

Capsule Wardrobe

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo


Megan’s Favorite 5

The Enneagram

The Bible Binge

The Clockmaker’s Daughter

Day One App

The Mom Capsule


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