Chris richards is an entreprenuer who currently has 3 businesses and is also an Actor/model. He is most known for his star role on BBC @onehotsummer2018. He has been acting as an extra since 2013 and had featured roles in commercials such as lucazade and Tv shows such as BBC bodyguard. He has a wide experience within the acting industry and has recently been signed to a talent agency @tmatalentmanagementuk. His goal is to inspire other to achieve their dreams and bring entertainment into the life of others!

We talk to Chris about his side projects, how they started, successes, challenges & exciting projects coming up in 2019.

He is working on an exciting project, he is the main role for a new upcoming web series called "Harmony".

Throughout Chris provides some great advice to young entrepreneurs, he answers one of my favourite questions with some sound advice.

“If you could give your younger self any advice what would it be?

I would tell myself to start earlier, it takes time to achieve your goal!
Learn about money management, it’s so important
Go to as many business seminars & find a mentor - you can’t do a thing on your own! “





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