Hello gorgeous ghouls, comely creeps, pretty perverts, and arresting wretches!

Do you miss the weekly episodes of Girls, Guts, & Giallo? Well the good news is, you can now subscribe directly through Spotify to receive bonus episodes of the podcast. Subscribe in app or visit anchor.fm/girlsgutsgiallo/subscribe. I’m also extremely active over on my Patreon at Patreon.com/GirlsGutsGiallo. With a subscription to my Patreon, you’ll receive access to more of my thoughts on subversive film through notes, bonus episodes, screenings, and chats. You can choose your tier level starting at $1 to show your support, and going up to $15 to get all my content. A very popular option is the $8 Cruel Mistress tier which Patrons have affectionately titled Saturday Film School. You’ll receive access to my private channel where I go live, show movies, and chat during the film with patrons. Screenings include 20 minutes to half introductions by yours truly that provide historical context and scholarship for the films we are watching as part of our theme of the month. Past themes include The Black Female Vampire, Queer Leather Sex on Film, Documentary Film about Women in Porn, Mexican Cult Horror, and so many more. And I always dress on theme for the show. It’s like if Elvira were fat and gay, obsessed with abject theory, and teaching a film class. Sign up at Patreon.com/GirlsGutsGiallo to join me in my lair.

Enjoy the show!