Nik Toth is the mind-body weight loss expert for professional women; an NLP mindset coach, nutrition therapist, fitness expert, yoga teacher, and truth-seeker. 

She helps when diets can’t. Nik specializes in helping high-achieving women increase their energy & body confidence, reclaim their innate powers so they reach their ideal weight without diets.

Breaking all the “rules” of the weight loss industry - Nik teaches why traditional “diets” fail most women and help them address the root emotional, hormonal and energetic cause of the extra weight so they can feel radiant and sexy in their skin. 

Also known as The Lean Body Coach, Nik has developed her own unique Lean Body Accelerator method that helps women end the war with their bodies and reconnect with their feminine wisdom, and get in the best shape of their lives so they can show up at the top of their game every day.

After struggling with her own health, eating disorders, and relationship with food, Nik now guides women to make the right choices for their unique bodies. Her work has been featured in the Huffington Post, Daily Mail, PopSugar, Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and more.

You can learn more about Nik at