Lisa Concepcion is a professional life coach and founder of LoveQuest Coaching. She specializes in dating, relationships and self-love. Lisa helps people to love themselves first so they can attract, give and keep love in their lives. She is a firm believer that the relationship that matters most is the one we have with our divine inner being, our Source. The more connected we are to Source, the more unconditionally we love ourselves and the less we’ll need to control others in our quest for love and happiness. Lisas’ goal is to change the way people view relationships, commitment and romantic partnerships.

In part 2 Lisa continues to share important tools used to attract a more harmonious, loving, and peaceful dating life. She highlights the importance of being clear of what you want as well as of the attributes you would want your partner to have in order to match the lifestyle you want to create. The more clarity and vision you have the better aligned you will be. We also discuss the importance of setting goals in marriage and how to build a solid foundation filled with love and kindness. In addition, she advices those who are going through resent break ups with insight about her 90 day post break up detox. Lisa’s no bs approach to relationships is sure to be a breath of fresh air to those seeking to transform and create their best love life possible.

Lisa currently resides in Miami Beach, Fl. You can follow her @lisa_concepcion on Instagram or visit to learn more about her incredible services.

We hope you enjoy!

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