Children's behavior during Mass is such a common topic in Catholic family circles! At the very least, those of us who struggle to manage our children's behavior at Mass can know that we are not alone.
This week, I share an email from a listener named Lori who received a nasty comment from a fellow parishioner after a recent Mass (where she actually felt her children were pretty well behaved!). This email left Lori feeling discouraged and wanting to give up on the whole "Catholic family life" thing because she really ought to be able to expect support from her parish community.
After commiserating and offering some words of encouragement and support, we then share some ideas for ways to improve your chances of having a positive Mass experience, even with very young children.

Children's behavior during Mass is such a common topic in Catholic family circles! At the very least, those of us who struggle to manage our children's behavior at Mass can know that we are not alone.

This week, I share an email from a listener named Lori who received a nasty comment from a fellow parishioner after a recent Mass (where she actually felt her children were pretty well behaved!). This email left Lori feeling discouraged and wanting to give up on the whole "Catholic family life" thing because she really ought to be able to expect support from her parish community.

After commiserating and offering some words of encouragement and support, we then share some ideas for ways to improve your chances of having a positive Mass experience, even with very young children.

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