Previous Episode: 3 Goals to Set for 2019
Next Episode: 7 Ways to Be More Humble

FOMO stands for “fear of missing out”. It refers to the times we feel left out or like we’re not measuring up to others. This happens a lot when we compare ourselves to the carefully crafted versions of people on social media.
FOMO happens when we pay too much attention to other people’s lives. This attention can make us insecure or jealous, and it almost always distracts from where we should be focusing—on our own vocation and calling.
Snippet from the Show
"If I make a conscious efforts to “like” other people’s posts and leaving genuine comments of praise for the good things God is doing in their life, I come away feeling uplifted, positive, and encouraged."
For the full shownotes, including my tips to avoid FOMO, check out and click on today's show.

FOMO stands for “fear of missing out”. It refers to the times we feel left out or like we’re not measuring up to others. This happens a lot when we compare ourselves to the carefully crafted versions of people on social media.

FOMO happens when we pay too much attention to other people’s lives. This attention can make us insecure or jealous, and it almost always distracts from where we should be focusing—on our own vocation and calling.

Snippet from the Show

"If I make a conscious efforts to “like” other people’s posts and leaving genuine comments of praise for the good things God is doing in their life, I come away feeling uplifted, positive, and encouraged."

For the full shownotes, including my tips to avoid FOMO, check out and click on today's show.

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