Do you struggle to find a rhythm with family prayer? Do you have kids who rebel against it, or a reluctant spouse? Or do you find it a challenge to motivate yourself to pray some days?
Fear not! This week's guest, Alicia Hernon, mom of 10 and co-host of the Messy Parenting podcast, is here to offer encouragement! I just loved talking with Alicia—she has so much practical wisdom to share with Catholic families of all kinds and sizes. I know you are going to love her too!
After you listen, be sure to let me know what you think. Share your ideas, what works for you, or what you struggle with. We can share your feedback on a future show.
Girlfriends is on Patreon! Thank you to our Patreon supporters!
The You're Worth It! Retreat for Women
Find out more about bringing this unique event for women to your parish, group, or community. Read more and request more information here.
Or find out more about having me come speak at your parish or conference.
My newest book is available!
You're Worth It! Change How You Feel About Yourself By Discovering How Jesus Feels About You

Do you struggle to find a rhythm with family prayer? Do you have kids who rebel against it, or a reluctant spouse? Or do you find it a challenge to motivate yourself to pray some days?

Fear not! This week's guest, Alicia Hernon, mom of 10 and co-host of the Messy Parenting podcast, is here to offer encouragement! I just loved talking with Alicia—she has so much practical wisdom to share with Catholic families of all kinds and sizes. I know you are going to love her too!

After you listen, be sure to let me know what you think. Share your ideas, what works for you, or what you struggle with. We can share your feedback on a future show.


Girlfriends is on Patreon! Thank you to our Patreon supporters!


The You're Worth It! Retreat for Women

Find out more about bringing this unique event for women to your parish, group, or community. Read more and request more information here.

Or find out more about having me come speak at your parish or conference.

My newest book is available!

You're Worth It! Change How You Feel About Yourself By Discovering How Jesus Feels About You

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