How clean is your closet? How confident are you in your fashion choices and personal style? It’s OK to admit that these things are challenging. Catholic stylist Meghan Ashley is here to help!
This week, I share the details of my own Closet Cleanse Challenge and Meghan Ashley walks us through some of the small details of fashion dilemmas and why we are tempted to hold onto that dress that no longer fits.
Give yourself the gift of a streamlined closet and take on the challenge today!
My newest book, You Are Enough, is available for order! Check out this episode on for an exclusive deal!
As a regular segment beginning this week, and for the next several shows, I am sharing a bit of the content from my new book, You Are Enough. This week, we consider the story of Moses’ sister Miriam and the Pharaoh’s daughter, and what we can learn from them about the strength and value of cooperation and friendship among women.

How clean is your closet? How confident are you in your fashion choices and personal style? It’s OK to admit that these things are challenging. Catholic stylist Meghan Ashley is here to help!

This week, I share the details of my own Closet Cleanse Challenge and Meghan Ashley walks us through some of the small details of fashion dilemmas and why we are tempted to hold onto that dress that no longer fits.

Give yourself the gift of a streamlined closet and take on the challenge today!

My newest book, You Are Enough, is available for order! Check out this episode on for an exclusive deal!

As a regular segment beginning this week, and for the next several shows, I am sharing a bit of the content from my new book, You Are Enough. This week, we consider the story of Moses’ sister Miriam and the Pharaoh’s daughter, and what we can learn from them about the strength and value of cooperation and friendship among women.

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