Holiday preparations, with all the “extra” that they require of us as wives, mothers, and homemakers, threaten to send us over the edge from Christmas stress.
We want to make everything merry and bright, but sometimes the pressure of outside expectations and (let’s be honest) our own inner expectations can turn us into the Grinch.
Check out my tips for how to fend off holiday stress over at and don't forget to check out my book at

Holiday preparations, with all the “extra” that they require of us as wives, mothers, and homemakers, threaten to send us over the edge from Christmas stress.

We want to make everything merry and bright, but sometimes the pressure of outside expectations and (let’s be honest) our own inner expectations can turn us into the Grinch.

Check out my tips for how to fend off holiday stress over at and don't forget to check out my book at

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