On this episode, I chat with Andrew Cameron, co-owner and distiller at Still Fired Distilleries. Andrew and I have a rather hilarious conversation about his GINspired journey to becoming a distiller, what Still Fired Distilleries is all about, their products and awards, and of course some rather fun GINcidents and cocktails.

Please consider supporting our Kickstarter campaign to get our cookbook GINSPIRED to print: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ginspired/ginspired-the-ultimate-gin-cookbook

About Still Fired Distilleries...
They are a small batch craft distillery located in Annapolis Royal, NS.  They are delighted to bring you high quality spirits from all natural, locally sourced ingredients, that they hope you can share with friends and family time and time again.

You can find and follow Still Fired Distilleries at:
And Andrew's phone number is: 1-902-880-1338   

You can find and follow GINspired at: 
https://theginshop.ca/ (for all your GINtastic clothing and fun gin related novelty items)