Creating a marketing strategy for your business, business unit or product does not need to be an onerous task. Approached correctly, creating a marketing plan can be a simple, and even enjoyable process. Many marketers feel the need to over-complicate the process and many business owners fall in the trap of skipping key steps.

Phil shares his extensive experience of working with businesses to create simple and powerful marketing strategies. Using his tried and tested 9 step process, Phil explains how to uncover the key drivers behind business growth and how to tease out the real motivations of the senior leadership team.

If marketing is understanding your customer, and strategy is creating solutions to clearly defined problems, then the process of creating a robust and effective strategy is a simple two-step process which you can learn and adopt in your business or organisation.

If you would like to try out Phil's marketing strategy process then please download a copy of the State of the Nation template here.

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