LinkedIn is set to become the new super-power in the social media world. Many people are predicting that 2019 will be year that LinkedIn finally catches up with the goliaths of Facebook and Instagram.

Phil meets LinkedIn experts Andy Nelson and Antony Bonney from InSurge to learn the hidden secrets of LinkedIn and their insight into how the platform is set to evolve over the next 12 months and fundamentally change the way we see professional networking.


What is LinkedIn? [2:08]
How does LinkedIn compare to the other social networks? [2:36]
Microsoft's plans for the platform [3:57]
LinkedIn's NEW tagging tool [4:52]
Too much 'noise' on LinkedIn [7:57]
Watch out for LinkedIn 'gurus' who preach only one way! [8:27]
What service does InSurge provide? [9:10]
Building a prospect database on LinkedIn [12:59]
2019 is the year of the business page [14:05]
LinkedIn LIVE is being rolled out [15:02]
What is the power of video? [16:43]
How to create video conent for LinkedIn (What, How and Why) [18.10]
Why is it important to add value on LinkedIn? [20:11]
Why its important to fail in business [23:10]
LinkedIn requires time and commitment [25:59]
Create a LinkedIn strategy around the people in your business [28:16]
LinkedIn needs to be embraced holistically by the business [29:00]
LinkedIn should augment your sales and marketing strategy [30:37]
Quality content is key [31:32]
Getting past the gatekeeper with LinkedIn [31:58]
Top tip for 2019: Invest in your business page [32:28]

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