Topics that caught my eye for this episode are volunteering and loan agreements.

Volunteering at equestrian events is brilliant for meeting people, if like me you have a small circle of horsey friends. I also find it a great way of learning new things and seeing different parts of the country. You also never know what may happen! Listen to see what @SophiexJane witnessed.

Loan agreements have been around for ages and we're no stranger to loans going wrong. One police force is reiterating the importance of having an agreement in place if you are loaning your horse as incidences of loan's going wrong is on the increase. Do some research and get an agreement drawn up to make sure you maintain 'ownership' and control of your horse as best you can while they're out on loan. It may also lend weight to your case if it goes wrong.
Check out the free document available from the British Horse Society on their website

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Special guest Fiona Tothill from Kingsmead Equestrian Centre, Warlingham, Surrey (www, joins me this week to discuss her belief that "One size doesn't fit all" when it comes to horses. It's a fascinating chat and one that really makes you think about how you interact with horses on an individual level -
Kingsmead's website is -
Telephone - 0208 657 0832
Mobile - 07834 181614
Facebook - Kingsmead Equestrian Centre
Twitter and Instagram - @KingsmeadHorses

About Kingsmead
Here at Kingmead we offer a combination of natural and traditional horsemanship to give every rider an understanding of the horses as we believe a good relationship and clear communication between horse and rider is the key to success.

We welcome riders of all age and abilities. Our coaches work closely with each rider and together we plan a programme for you to work on and enjoy. We offer lessons in one of our three schools or if you prefer we can offer coaching whilst out hacking. Our primary aim is for riders to feel happy and confident; from these foundations everything else can grow.

At Kingsmead Horses we can offer regular riding throughout the year or a one off session. Our all inclusive ethos caters for any age and ability; we pride ourselves on creating a welcoming environment combined with a tailored learning programme. We have chosen not to impose an arbitrary weight limit for our riders. Children with emotional, behavioural and social challenges can achieve and find working with the horses a highly rewarding experience. We have a range of suitable ponies who enjoy working with our riders with physical limitations.

Many of our riders start out with our lead rein lessons where they can gain confidence and basic riding skills before progressing to our group lessons. Our lead rein rides are great for children and adults alike and many riders find they make excellent progress while enjoying the countryside. During these rides you may get to see a range of wildlife from foxes to deer, we have also seen buzzards, owls, pheasants as well a more usual birds and in the spring you can enjoy an abundance of bluebells and other native flowers.

We cater for adult riders (as well as children), some starting out for the first time and others returning to riding after a long break, we have a range of horses to suit every one. We aim offer riding and social events including talks and outings. Please let us know if you would be interested in joining us , we welcome your feedback and ideas.

At Kingsmead we offer an innovative approach to riding, by using Ground Work (sometimes known as Natural Horsemanship or Horse Whispering) riders can gain a deeper understanding about how their emotions impact on their horses and their riding. Working on the ground can enable nervous riders to see how they are influencing their horse when ridden whilst our more confident riders can explore ways to get the best from their mount. Ground Work involves anything from quiet moments with their pony to completing obstacle courses and playing ball games. You can see the pleasure on the handler's faces as they 'join up' with their pony and the pony follows them where ever they chose to go; having that relationship with a horse, even for such a short time, is truly amazing. We use Ground Work in our Equine Assisted Learning Programmes.

We have a particular interest in complementary education alongside formal learning. We have young people here doing work experience to support their education and we provide regular riding for a number of children who are educated out of school. We offer a range of nationally recognised qualifications and can assist with the riding element of their GCSE's.