Matt and Liam discuss Proposition 5, an initiative on the ballot this November that would allow older homeowners to carry their Prop 13 property tax benefits with them when they move. First, an Avocado of the Fortnight takes us to the Oakland Raiders' training camp, where Bay Area housing prices are giving some new players sticker shock (3:00). Then an example of how Prop 13 really works when it comes to property taxes (7:00), follow by an example of how Prop 5 would work (17:00). A review of the arguments for and against the initiative, as well as some of the political weirdness that surrounds it (21:00). Finally, interviews with Steve White, president of the California Association of Realtors who are sponsoring Prop 5 (30:15), and Dorothy Johnson, an advocate with the California State Association of Counties who oppose the initiative (44:30).