Zoning reform-—changing how cities decide what types of homes can be built where—isn't just a hot topic in California. Minneapolis, Minnesota made national headlines as the first major city to eliminate single family zoning in an effort to lower the city's housing prices and redress racial inequities. Matt and Liam talk with Lisa Bender, president of the Minneapolis City Council, about the city's controversial plans (22:00).

First, Gimme Shelter awards its second annual Avocado of the Year—the award given to the most absurd California housing story of 2018—to a very famous zip code (1:30). Then Matt and Liam recap the year in housing policy in one word (5:30) before predicting what under-the-radar stories housing nerds should be keeping an eye on in 2019.

Finally, a holiday guilt-trip for our listeners. If you want to support the podcast, the best thing you can do besides donating to CALmatters and subscribing to the L.A. Times is to tweet the CALmatters and L.A. Times Twitter accounts and let them know what value you get from the pod.