BACK TO the beginning! Today, we begin our study of the Old Testament for the second time, nearly five years after our very first dive into Genesis 1.

We discuss the meaning of various Hebrew words and their implications, and we explain why the first chapter of the Bible isn’t just a creation account, it’s a repudiation of the creation stories told by the cultures of the ancient world.

Join us this Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at Morningside in Blue Eye, Mo. We will be guests on upcoming episodes of The Jim Bakker Show and the recording session is free and open to the public. For more information, log on to

Download these studies directly to your phone, tablet, or iPod! Get our free mobile app for iOS and Android. Links to the iTunes App Store and Google Play are on the main page at

Sharon's new novel Realms of Fire is available for Amazon's Kindle e-book reader! The print edition should be available this week. For more information, see Sharon's website,, or

Click here for the complete archive of our New Testament Bible studies to date, and click here for the Old Testament studies to date. Or go to for all of the audio.