Every time you take the stage, you have an audience out there waiting for you to deliver. In fact, the expectation is for you to do exactly that. How aware of this are you? How much do you focus on ensuring this happens, even in the event of trainwrecks and […]

The post The Implied Contract with Your Audience – Gig Gab Podcast 159 appeared first on Gig Gab.

Every time you take the stage, you have an audience out there waiting for you to deliver. In fact, the expectation is for you to do exactly that. How aware of this are you? How much do you focus on ensuring this happens, even in the event of trainwrecks and other, on-stage surprises?

Paul and Dave have a little experience with feeling the pressure to deliver for an audience, and they share these thoughts with you… the Gig Gab audience (they deliver!).

Press play, listen, and enjoy!


00:00:00 Gig Gab 159 – Monday, April 2, 2018
00:01:10 Loose Gigs

“No Fighting at the Gig”

00:04:00 Handling trainwrecks
00:07:57 The vibe that creeps through your band
00:09:06 Calculating Confrontation
00:12:10 They deserve the best that we can give them
00:14:53 Your reaction to the loose night defines your professionalism
00:16:54 New tunes can be energizing!
00:19:12 Mad Haus

Dress professional, become professional
The noise of the crowd changes everything.
Not ready to watch the videos yet.

00:25:33 Mental mistakes vs. physical mistakes
00:27:29 There’s always something to learn
00:28:14 Mad Haus – Forget the last song, worry about the next one
00:29:56 SPONSOR: TuneLicensing.com – GigGab2018 saves you 15% off licensing fees
00:32:34 Sub Rant!
00:37:10 The implied commitment to your audience
00:38:07 pK and Friends Classic Rock Night
00:39:32 Those Melvins – 25 years and people still singing every word
00:44:22 Who is your band’s mentor?
00:46:44 Next episode: Song Style Selection
00:48:33 Quick Tip-Learn to invert your iPad’s colors
00:51:50 Your Job is to Know 1,000 Songs
00:52:35 Don’t watch your iPad
00:53:41 GG 159

The post The Implied Contract with Your Audience – Gig Gab Podcast 159 appeared first on Gig Gab.